Do I Have Bad Indoor Air Quality in Rolesville, NC?

While you may assume your indoor environment is safe from air pollution, that isn’t necessarily the case. Experts note that indoor air actually tends to be more polluted than the air outside. Let’s explore signs of poor indoor air quality in Rolesville, NC, so that you can resolve the issue.

Cold Symptoms

Poor indoor air quality symptoms are similar to those of the cold or flu. Your home’s occupants may cough and sneeze repeatedly. They may also complain of dizziness, headaches, nausea and irritation to their eyes, throat and nose.

While cold symptoms go away after a while, the symptoms your family members experience won’t if they’re from poor IAQ. This is one way to confirm there are contaminants in your indoor air. Also, if the discomfort disappears when you’re away from home, it’s a clear indicator that you have poor indoor air quality.

Air Filter Becomes Clogged Too Often

It’s normal for an air filter to clog as the component catches pollutants circulating in the air going into your HVAC system. If your air filter clogs even before one month is over, there are multiple contaminants in your indoor air.

Consider changing it regularly, as a clogged filter causes your system to overwork. A system that overworks needs frequent repair services because it breaks down often. You can also explore alternative ways to keep your indoor air clean, such as installing an air purifier.

Accumulated Dust

Another way to tell your indoor air is dirty is dust accumulation on your vents. Another sign is dusty furniture. Dust may enter your home through openings in your ductwork or when you open your windows and doors.

Contact Mitchell Heating & Cooling for professional indoor air quality solutions if your home has poor IAQ. We excel in keeping our clients comfortable.

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