4 Symptoms of a Faulty Heat Pump Compressor

The heat pump in your home can heat and cool it efficiently when operating normally and generally has a lifespan of about 15 years. If you’ve had yours longer than that, it may be time to consider a replacement. Here are four signs that indicate you have a faulty heat pump in Rolesville, NC, and need to repair or replace it:

Little or No Cool Air

A major sign that your system needs repair is when it pumps no cool air or too little. This could have many causes, including low refrigerant, problems with the thermostat, a clogged filter or a dirty coil. Have a service technician check your faulty heat pump if it doesn’t seem to be cooling your home effectively.

Faulty Heat Pump Constantly Running

Unless you’re experiencing extremely hot weather, your heat pump should run a few times every hour for 10 to 20 minutes. A problem with your condenser can cause the heat pump to run continuously. An issue with your thermostat or a clogged filter could also cause the faulty heat pump to keep running.

Strange Noises

There’s something wrong if you hear clanging, screeching or rattling coming from your heat pump. Sometimes, the culprit is a loose fan belt, but it could be something else. A foreign object in the system, dirty bearings or a loose part can also cause loud noises.

Odd Smells

A bad odor coming from your faulty heat pump means you should have a service technician look at it right away. Biological growth in the system can create a musty smell in your home. If the smell seems more like something is burning, there’s an issue with your electrical wiring somewhere.

You rely on your heat pump to cool your home in the summer. When you need heat pump service in Rolesville, NC, contact our pros at Mitchell Heating & Cooling.

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